2025 at St John's

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Our Sunday Service is a great opportunity to be built up, hear from God's Word, and encourage one another.

Join us at 9AM in-Person or Online for our Sunday Service. All generations are welcome! The service is very relaxed and we invite you to come as you are.

Attending In-Person

  • We meet at 10 Greenwood St, Wishart promptly at 9AM.
  • There is plenty of car parking on site.
  • Our Sunday School runs during term time for those in grades prep to 6.
  • Join us for Morning Tea afterwards out in the sunshine.
  • Let us know you're coming and we'll look out for you!

Children and Youth

  • Crèche: For children right from 0-Prep, we have a crèche that meets during the service.
  • Primary School: Every Sunday our kids head out for aged-appropriate teaching and activities.
  • Youth: After the sermon, our youth kids head out for a small-group discussion based on the sermon.

Attending Online

  • We stream our service on YouTube.
  • Make sure to leave a comment so that we know you're joining us!
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A bible in a church

St John’s Youth - Fridays 6:30-8:30PM

St John’s Youth is a space for Grade 7-12 students to hang out, have fun, and explore life’s biggest questions together. This year, we’ve launched Youth Alpha—a series of conversations designed to help young people explore faith in a relaxed and open environment.

Whether you’re full of faith or just curious, you are welcome here!

What to Expect

  • Dinner!
  • Fun games & challenges
  • Great people & new friends
  • A safe space to ask honest questions
  • Real conversations about life, purpose, and faith

Throughout the week there are great opportunities to meet together, make new friends, and work through God's Word.

There are plenty of ways to get involved from catching up over coffee and/or joining a home group.

Home Groups

  • Home Groups meet at different times and places around Wishart and surrounding suburbs. Our groups meet and use the questions from the previous Sunday. These are a great way to go deeper into God's Word, to ask questions, and to support and love one another

Other Groups

  • Our Ladies Fellowship group has been meeting for decades. We would love to have you join on the first and second Tuesday of the month at St Johns for a time of catching up and sometimes some craft.
  • Cafe Catchup happens 2nd and 4th Wednesday at Cenzos Cafe at 9.30AM. You are more than welcome to join for coffee and have a chat with one of the ministers at St John's and anyone else who comes!
  • Men at Maccas meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30AM at McDonald's Upper Mt Gravatt on Logan Road. This is a great time to encourage one another over breakfast or a coffee!

We don't see giving as an obligation or a chore but as a great privilege as we seek to serve God in partnership together.

All giving at St Johns supports the work of the church including supporting our staff, the operations and outreach of our church, and outward mission. We would love to invite you to partner with us as we seek to make Jesus known.

Giving In-Person

  • You can give at St John's using the box up the back of the church.

Direct Debit

  • Account name: St Johns Wishart
  • Account BSB: 704 901
  • Account number: 00005820
  • Reference: Giving

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st johns wishart anglican

Upcoming Events

Child Safety

At St Johns, we're committed to creating an environment of safety and wellbeing for every single person, especially those who are most vulnerable.

As part of this, our Parish has implemented a Child Protection Risk Management Plan to assist in protecting our children and other vulnerable people from harm in our church. This includes the screening of clergy, staff, volunteers, and office holders in our parish by using the Queensland Government's Blue Card Services. A Code of Conduct and an Anglican Church Southern Queensland's safe ministry check is provided for all people working with children. If anything is worrying you, please contact one of the following:

  • Rhys Wellings
  • Penny Miles

You can also access all documents and relevant policies regarding our Diocesan approach to professional standards and child safety here.